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Focus on Energy Presents - Energy Management Opportunities for Property Management

About This Webinar

This webinar will show how energy is consumed in commercial properties and dispel some of the common myths that may keep property owners from investing in energy efficiency.

We will discuss how making improvements to lighting, HVAC systems and IT infrastructure can make properties more efficient and attractive to tenants. We will also highlight various financial incentives that could make upgrades more affordable.

Sign up today!
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

This webinar requires registration and space is limited. If you need assistance with registration, please contact us at webinarinfo@questline.com.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Technical Engineer
Brian Olsen is the Technical Engineer for Questline Digital. He has a master's in environmental management from IIT, and is a Certified Energy Manager. He previously served, for over a decade, as a US Dept of Energy Regional Project Manager for Industrial and Commercial Energy Efficiency Programs for the 8 states of the Midwest. He is also a former instructor at Ecotech Institute, a post-secondary trade school for solar, wind, and high voltage technicians. Just prior to joining Questline, Brian was a partner at PVS LLC solar company in Denver.
Webinar hosting presenter
Sr. HR and Training
Sherry manages the Focus on Energy Training Program, working closely to design and deliver training sessions that connect knowledge to efficiency opportunities and projects to benefit end customers, Trade Allies and utility staff on behalf of Focus on Energy. Sherry holds an MS in Secondary Education and is a Senior Certified Professional from the Society of Human Resource Management.