Brian Olsen
Sr. Energy Analyst
Brian Olsen has a master's in environmental management from IIT, and worked for 10 years as a US Dept of Energy Regional Project Manager for Industrial and Commercial Energy Efficiency Programs for the 8 states of the Midwest. He was also a former instructor at Ecotech Institute, a post secondary trade school for solar, wind, and high voltage technicians. He was a partner at PVS solar company in Denver just prior to joining Questline.
Tony Magers
Outreach and Trade Ally Manager
Tony Magers is a member of the Outreach Team and Trade Ally Advisor with the APS Solutions for Business program. Mr. Magers works with APS utility customers and contractors offering energy efficiency solutions to help educate and promote energy efficiency opportunities. Focusing on improving energy management and the rebate process, Mr. Magers interacts with many industry verticals such as government, healthcare, hospitality and education.