Are all electric vehicles (EVs) basically the same? What’s the difference and what do they mean to the environment and economy?

Explore the different types of EVs, battery storage technologies and vehicle charging stations. We will compare the fuel cost and emissions of EVs to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. The impact of EVs on the power grid will also be examined.

Learn about financial incentives for EVs, market availability and barriers to commercial success. Finally, we will give our best tips on utility planning for electric vehicles.

Register today.
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
11:00 am to noon

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About the Speakers

1695820500-8262dac96dcc02b8 Brian Olsen
Technical Engineer

Brian Olsen is the Technical Engineer for Questline Digital. He has a master's in environmental management from IIT, and is a Certified Energy Manager. He previously served, for over a decade, as a US Dept of Energy Regional Project Manager for Industrial and Commercial Energy Efficiency Programs for the 8 states of the Midwest. He is also a former instructor at Ecotech Institute, a post-secondary trade school for solar, wind, and high voltage technicians. Just prior to joining Questline, Brian was a partner at PVS LLC solar company in Denver.

1718217223-7bbe6017903a61ec Tony Magers
Outreach and Trade Ally Manager

Tony Magers is a member of the Outreach Team and Trade Ally Advisor with the APS Solutions for Business program. Mr. Magers works with APS utility customers and contractors offering energy efficiency solutions to help educate and promote energy efficiency opportunities. Focusing on improving energy management and the rebate process, Mr. Magers interacts with many industry verticals such as government, healthcare, hospitality and education.

1643304838-13b7a9c45e3ae46e Trevor Swanson
Program Manager, APS

Trevor Swanson is the Program Manager for the APS Solutions for Business Program. Trevor was in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, working as an electrician and nuclear propulsion plant supervisor on submarines. Since retiring, Trevor spent 14 years in healthcare facilities management before joining APS. Trevor holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nuclear Engineering Technology from Thomas Edison State College, a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix, and has held the title of Certified Energy Manager since 2006.

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